Friday, December 3, 2010

So what is the media and political leaders saying about Assange today

Glenn Beck said that Julian Assange should be tried for treason and executed.

Mike Huckabee said, "“Whoever in our government leaked that information is guilty of treason, and I think anything less than execution is too kind a penalty."

Bill O'Reilly said leakers are traitors who "should be executed or put in prison for life.”

Sarah Palin said to "target WikiLeaks’ Julian Assange like the Taliban."

Peter King, Congressman, wants Wikileaks designated a terrorist organization.

Wayne Simmons of Fox News calls Wikileaks a terrorist organization.

Lt. Col. Ralph Peters of Fox News: "I would execute leakers."

Liz Cheney (daughter of Dick Cheney) said Obama should shut down Wikileaks and prosecute Julian Assange.

Mike Rogers, Congressman, calls for treason charges and execution.

Conservatives tell Obama to send Julian Assange to Guantanamo.

Rush Limbaugh, radio talk show host: "Back in the old days when men were men and countries were countries, this guy would die of lead poisoning from a bullet in the brain..."

Todd Schnitt, radio talk show host: "Assange is a terrorist, an enemy combatant, and needs to be treated as such."

Steve Gill, radio talk show host, says Assange should be targetted as a terrorist, and captured or killed.

Tim Flanagan, University of Calgary Professor: ""Well I think Assange should be assassinated actually. . . I think Obama should put out a contract and maybe use a drone or something."

John Hawkins, blogger, says the CIA should assassinate Julian Assange:

Julian Assange is not an American citizen and he has no constitutional rights. So, there's no reason that the CIA can't kill him. Moreover, ask yourself a simple question: If Julian Assange is shot in the head tomorrow or if his car is blown up when he turns the key, what message do you think that would send about releasing sensitive American data?

Brad Thor, author, said Bradley Manning should get the death penalty.

Candice Miller, Congresswoman: "Julian Assange and WikiLeaks are criminals whose actions support terrorists and criminal regimes around the world. It is now long past time for our government to shut WikiLeaks down."

G. Gordon Liddy, former White House advisor and radio talk show host: Assange deserves to be on kill list.

Tuesday, November 30, 2010



If you're a libertarian you shouldn't be surprised by this move. If the US government is willing to kill a million in Iraq, have concentration camps filled with Japanese during WWII, throw millions in jail for having an improper plant in their pocket, then of course they are willing to molest you at the airport...getting up in arms about the TSA is just ridiculous when they're doing so much more evil shit.

Monday, November 29, 2010

Thoughts on human nature from a psycho-historian view point

An Examination of Innate Aggression within Human Nature

by Carlos Morales

The study of aggression as an aspect of human nature is complex; even though hunter-gatherers are now seen as “noble-savages” who were corrupted by social institutions which led to war, and media images of Guantanamo Bay and Darfur suggest that the human race is in demise and more violent than ever, violent acts globally have went down (deMause, 2009). Although one-hundred million people suffered war related deaths in the 20th century, by percentage over two billion people would have had to been killed in order to match up with the homicide rate of 10,000 years ago (Pinker, 2009) ). The majority of human culture began 100,000 years ago—about 5,000 generations—which is too short of time span for such large rates of aggression to change, therefore epigenetic evolution of the psyche—the change of architecture of the brain occurring during development in the womb and during early childhood—is most likely the source of change in aggression, rather than a change in genetic evolution (deMause 2002).